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Monday, December 27, 2010

From Carla Anderson


After numerous conversations with cohorts about the Enlightenment of a Soul, and others who still use the expression ESP, I asked specially for information regarding Ascension – the human & planetary relationship of ascension.
The channel [posted below] offered up a very straight forward explanation of what it is. This is the view from the other side of veil where the “process of ascension” is only observed, not experienced in the same way. Yet, in other related channels the information was very clear to state that “Things on Earth are not the same.” We, the humans on Earth “using our consciousness to expand our hearts” have created a new expression of energy. It has affected ALL of Creation. To that extent, all of Creation is experiencing new possibilities heretofore unknown, as a direct result of choices we are making here on Earth.
In this post I want to address the rituals, practices or “understandings” one thinks they must attain as part of spiritual growth. Many of the rituals and practices of the past were necessary to make things happen within the resonance of the Earth realm, i.e. three dimensional, polarity/duality, limitation and forgetfulness. Many of us used those practices over the years to help ourselves “re-member” who we are – in Essence.
The energy of the Earth is different today. Little shifts have happened along the way. The most significant have been in the last 50 years (out of the 12,920 year Earth cycle). Specifically, the energy of the grids around the Earth – the Divine which holds our world together – has changed resonance over the last five years at an exponential rate, with 2008 being the most dramatic changes, to date. Therefore, many of the same techniques are no longer required for each person on Earth to “tap in” to their direct Divine connection with Self.
We are all One in the Sacred Hoop. All is One. All is energy in continuous creation. You are a creator. If you are reading this, you have personally assisted in the planetary ascension, for Earth and all her inhabitants, as well as the ripple effects felt throughout Creation.
Here is the overview channel about our relationship with Mother Earth and each other at this time.
[Excerpt from Carla Anderson/I AM]
“The planet is in her own dance with creation. When you chose to play this game/experiment/adventure, whatever you choose to call it…When you chose to delve into the most separated sense of beingness that can be explored in creation, planet Earth was the place to do that. Many things were made possible over time which would allow a facet of a soul to live in direct contact to a form [body]. What gives you the experience of being “real” [and separate] took a lot to pull off.
The planet, in her dance, is needing to vibrate differently. There were many adventurers who expressed an interest to make those changes along with the planet, instead of simply playing out their choices somewhere else. Part of that is because of the beauty of the place. The beauty of all the adjustments which were made to make it possible and of course the beauty you have spread by being there, with love.
So, in order to stay with your planet you have to change your vibration. That is what is being called ascension. You don’t actually go anywhere. Just like you never did… You haven’t gone anywhere. You chose to experience a playground of possibility based on forgetfulness. You took that [adventure] as far as you possibly could and found your way back through remembering, then said, “Well, now that I remember, why can’t I do that here?” Creation answered in the only way it knows how, “but, of course.”
This, as we have said before, is an exaggerated oversimplification of the complexities involved.
Basically, a bunch of you really, really brave ones said, “Why can’t I have Heaven and Earth at the same time?” Because you had done such a beautiful job of remembering the vibration of heaven while walking on earth, it was made possible for you to have both. Let us be clear, you made that possible. We did not. We have simply answered your call, at every juncture. That is Creation. As more and more of you remember and tap-in to how creation truly works, you are able to make anything you want, experience anything you want, and create worlds which heretofore did not exist, possibilities which heretofore did not exist in all of Creation.
Now there is quite a demand [for the Earth experience]. We were spending a great deal of energy explaining to the many souls who want to “take the ride”, that they are following in the footsteps of some very brave adventurers, when the brave adventurers stepped up and said, “It’s ok. We’ll stay here and keep an eye on them.” Now you have yourselves a new job in that place, or the same job in a new place. You are going from being the [angels who embraced the adventures] of planet earth, and the duality experience. to being the angels inhabiting earth, experiencing heaven, and holding the vibration of heaven – in form – so those souls who wish to have the duality experience, have what they need very near by, in order to feel safe.”
  • Your original choice to ascend is to stay with the planet your soul wants to play on at this time in it’s evolution.
  • The process of ascending brings you to the discovery you are Divine.
  • The result of ascending is that you become the Guardian Angel of those souls playing out the game of limitation available here on Earth. As you walk and talk like an Angel – in service to Highest Good – you enjoy the experience of Heaven, on Earth.
Know that the entirety of your soul group is in reverence for the choices you make every day. The choices to hold and share the vibration of Unconditional Love and Acceptance for All – in form.  Our choice to ascend with the planet, and expand the possibilities of life on the planet have affected – are affecting – All That Is.
A couple of parting reminders ~There is no race.
You can’t get it wrong.
Your soul chose to be here at this time, a time of spiritual evolution on the planet and the bringing of Light to new worlds.
The more you consciously connect with that aspect of your essence, and the more choices you make from the place of Love & Gratitude instead of Fear & Judgment, the more Heaven you experience and perpetuate.
Are you excited?
***** This information is made available by Carla Anderson / www.ascensionforall.com / carla@ascensionforall.com. This information may be freely distributed when it is published in its entirety, without editing, and full credit is given to the Source and the Channel by including these closing lines of text. IMing, Copyright protected. *****

Monday, December 6, 2010

Disclosure is nigh ...


If you don't check in on David Wilcock's website DivineCosmos.com once in awhile, I have a feeling you will after you read the information at the above link. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December, 2010 message from Jen Eramith, MA, Akashic Transformations

What energy and experiences can we expect in December 2010?
There is a major infusion of light on the planet this month.  This month, there is a sense that everything opens up.  That can be a beautiful thing and it can also be a very, very challenging thing.  This month, whatever choices you have made recently, whatever directions you have taken in your life, this is the month where now they start to expand for better or for worse.  If you have been focusing a lot on what you do not like or spending a lot of time with people that you do not feel good around, it will get bigger this month.  You are going to feel even more surrounded by things you do not like, even more lost in the things you do not want.  On the other hand, if you have been choosing to focus on the things you Love, you have been choosing to move toward Love and find Love in every situation, then Love is what will get bigger this month for you. 
Whatever it is, whatever direction you have taken between Love and fear, it is going to now be amplified.  If you are not sure you have been choosing Love or if you can see that you have been focusing on your fear, right away this month, as soon as you can, change directions.  This is the last second you can do this.  For the next cycle of amplification and growth, your direction, either Love or fear, has been established at this point.  You can try to make a last minute decision, but mostly what you are working with up to this point is how you have been choosing your life and your reality over the last few months.  If you have been looking for empowerment, if you have been looking for joy, even if you do not find it, if you have been turning your attention toward joy and Love,that will get better.  The joy and Love will amplify themselves this month.  This huge infusion of light is like everything becomes possible suddenly.  That field of possibility will be a direct reflection of the choices you have made in the last three or four months. 
A second thing that is going to happen this month is that there is a huge infusion of angels to Planet Earth.  In December 2010, it is as if the angelic army is coming for 2012.  They come in stages and the next installment of angels is entering the planet in December of 2010.  Those of you who are sensitive to energy, to light, or to angels or other beings -- you are going to feel it this month.  You are going to really have a sense that there is more going on just under the surface than ever before.  You are going to have a sense that you are not alone, you are deeply supported by the higher dimensions.  Some of you will see angels out of the corner of your eye, some of you will get messages from the most unexpected places.  Be aware that there are more angels on the planet this month than there ever have been before.  Many of those angels are reflections of you, of those of you who are human angels.  This means that this month is an important time to do a few things.  One is to choose to act as a human angel.  Regardless of what your spiritual lineage may be, choose to act as an angel on this planet.  Every one of you can assume that if you are here, then you are here to help, you are here to bring more Love.  Help and Love are the things that angels bring.  Go ahead and act as if you were an angel.  Look for ways to bless the people around you, look for ways to make things easier for them.  This is a perfect time for random acts of kindness to be executed by you every minute of every day.  Look for something kind to do for someone around you all day long.  If you are occupied doing this, you will be right on track in December 2010. 


A Channeling from the Akashic Records of December 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Let's become more conscious breathers.

Wonderful advice from Jennifer Hoffman channeling AA Uriel in the Nov 15 newsletter from her website http://www.urielheals.com/
Uriel's Message -- Are You Holding Your Breath?

Your breath is what sustains life and you live from one breath to the next. Without the breath there is no life. All life on earth breathes, even the plants. The movement of energy is found in the breath and it is symbolic of your connection to all - you must all breathe. But when you are not allowing the energy to move in your life you are holding your breath, waiting for things to happen and hoping that you will be able to take a breath at the right moment in time. How long can you hold your breath?

Life is about movement and transformation, cycles of growth whose purpose is to allow you to evolve into new and different paths. When you hold your breath and wait for the cycles to complete or to have a solution given to you, the cycles move but are not evolving. This is when you feel stuck and powerless, you feel that life has become the obstacle and you are its victim. But life is a shifting reality whose movement is controlled by what you are breathing into it.

As you breathe in the energy that sustains your life and is provided to you in unlimited abundance, you breathe out the reality that is the form you have given to the energy. These are the in and out breaths of God, the unfolding and evolving creation that is your co-creative partnership with the Universe. You have been given unlimited power to create in the world so when you hold your breath you also suspend creation.

As you take in each breath remember that this more than air, it is the unlimited power that sustains your life. Then when you breathe out, you are combining your will with that of Creator, and each out breath puts forth your thoughts and beliefs into the reality you are creating for yourself. Whatever is being created in your reality is the way you are using your creative power. If you feel stuck are you holding your breath or unaware of the power of your thoughts? Can you use the power of each breath to create a different reality? Set your intention for the life you wish to have, use each breath to empower that intention and you will manifest everything you desire, as you partner with the Universe to breathe life into it.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What is "the Shift"?

How to Enjoy the Shift By Jim Self There is a change, a Shift under way that is affecting every aspect of our third dimensional reality. This Shift is so far-reaching that our limited imagination cannot begin to grasp the transition and change we are now in the midst of experiencing. This Shift is affecting every aspect of life on the planet; political, social and economic structures, the environment, every institution, the wars, how we view our relationships, our work, every thought we think and every feeling we feel. It is altering Time, our memory, our DNA, the wiring of our physical and emotional bodies, our beliefs, our perceptions of good and bad, right and wrong and especially our awareness of what is possible.

read on ... http://www.masteringalchemy.com/free/pdfs/howtoenjoy.pdf
and visit ... http://www.masteringalchemy.com/index.html 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just reading this wikipedia bit makes me crack up - these adds are funny to me.

The most interesting man in the world.



Here's some career advice form the most interesting man in the world: "Find out what it is in life that you don't do well, and then ... don't do that thing."

And now .. a few moments of omg to brighten and enlighten


Missa Ego flos campi
Juan Gutierrez de Padilla, 1590-1664
(Mexican Baroque music)

The person who posted this on youtube says the performance is by "Ex Cathedra conducted by Jeffrey Skidmore"

There is also a wonderful recording by the Los Angeles Chamber Singers' Cappella
Peter Rutenberg, Conductor
P.O. Box 64888, Los Angeles, CA 90064-0888, 310-575-3405
Album title: Music of the Mexican Baroque, Padilla available at Amazon.com

Sunday, November 14, 2010

A channel from AA Michael from Ronna Herman


November 2010


            Beloved masters, as you move forward on the path of en-Lighten-ment, and you come to a better understanding of cosmic law and the workings of the universe, we welcome the opportunity to occasionally give you a better understanding of some of the concepts of Creation and the complexity of the physical vessel. Therefore, we would like to give you an in-depth explanation of the composition of the Etheric Body and its importance in the process of ascension.  The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. The Etheric Body is composed of the physical aura, which conveys yourphysical state of health via various colors and the distortions, or lack thereof, within the Etheric Web pattern. The emotions of pain, suffering and resentment are thought forms which are keeping you from embracing and becoming the Bearer of Light you were meant to be. The auric field is the invisible electromagnetic force field that surrounds the physical body, and it magnifies energy to you and radiates vibrational frequency patterns from you.

             The aura of the mental body within the Etheric Web is almost non-existent in those who are trapped in the restrictions of the third and lower fourth dimensions because they see the world and events through a filter of illusion created by their past beliefs, thoughts and actions.

            When existing in a third- / fourth-dimensional environment, the dominating force within the emotional body is the astral plane.  Therefore, a vast majority of people are under the influence of their base personality and the ego desire body, which is composed of unfulfilled yearnings from the past, as well as emotional imbalances and feelings of being unworthy and/or unloved.  One of the most dramatic phases of the ascension process is moving through the distortions of the emotional mass-consciousness belief system into the stability, freshness and harmony of the higher dimensions.

               Never forget, fear takes away your power.  The general mass-consciousness belief system is powered by negative, hostile thinking and a resistance to new concepts and change. The majority of the masses are frozen in a reality of pain and suffering, but are unwilling to entertain new expansive ideas, which would relieve them from their self-imposed prison of limitation.

            It is vitally important that you stay firmly grounded and balanced within the accepted range of duality while functioning within the reality of the third dimension. You must also strive to establish emotional harmony and serenity within the illusionary world of the fourth dimension as you seek wisdom and endeavor to become acclimated to the mental plane of the lower fifth dimension. You must be ever alert for the whispers of your Soul and Higher Self. It is also important that you understand that you do not have just one Higher Self, but many fragments/Sparks of your Higher Self scattered throughout the universe.

            The ascension process entails the gradual integration and assimilation of the next higher-dimensional frequency facet of your Higher Self.  You are in the process of expanding your Light and your consciousness.  Your transformation into Self-mastery, as well as the ascension process, will be greatly accelerated once you have expanded your personal lifeline of Light-an etheric tube of Light- which is your core connection to your Divine I AM Presence. You are also in the process of reestablishing your connection to the River of Life via your personal Antakarana (Rainbow Bridge of Light), which contains the Creator Essence called Adamantine Particles. Over the many past ages, humanity has diminished the connection to the River of Life/Light so that, in most people, it has become only a small trickle.

            Each of you has a sphere of radiance that is produced by the vibrational patterns of your auric field and your Soul Song.  Ascension means bringing the total bodily chakra system into balance, which will facilitate the clearing, refining and balancing of the Etheric Body / auric field. Your goal is to return your Etheric Body and auric field to its perfect Divine Blueprint, which is the human blueprint for your original bodily form called the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body.  We observe you via the bands of color within your multiple body system, physical, mental, emotional and etheric, which have been created by your thoughts, actions and deeds throughout your many lifetimes down through the ages. 

            Your Energetic Signature is composed of the vibrational frequency patterns you emit day-by-day via your thoughts, actions and deeds. Your Energetic Signature can vary greatly when you are functioning within a third-/fourth-dimensional environment.  However, as you progress along the path of en-Lighten-ment, your Energetic Signature gradually becomes more harmonious and melodious and eventually becomes a part of your permanent Soul Song. 

Your Soul advancement is monitored by the frequencies of your Soul Song and not by your daily actions.

            Your Soul Song is composed of mid-fourth and higher dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of sound and color, by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light.  The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.

             The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions, and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs.  Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self which is the intermediary between you and your I AM Presence / God Self.

            Meditation helps to discipline the lower mind and the ego so that you can attune consciously to the musings of your higher mind. It takes patience and discipline to stop the mind chatter that is the norm for those closed off from their higher consciousness.  We encourage you to practice active and passive meditation.

 A decree or affirmation is a prayer with power.

 It should be a concise, positive affirmation expressed with confidence, and the assurance that it will be manifested in the proper form at the appropriate time. If the affirmation is sent forth with loving intent for the greatest good, you are aligning your will with that of your Higher Self; and universal law will assure that your cocreator thoughts and aspirations will be combined with those by others of like mind.  Thus, they will be increased in strength and power.

Silent meditation is listening for an answer from your Higher Self, your guardian angel or the Holy Spirit.

             Remember, one person who is centered within their Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people while the loving vibrations of their auric field blesses everyone with whom they come in contact. 

            Serenity and joy are qualities of the Soul. Intelligent love results when the Soul becomes the dominating force within and the ego personality has been brought under control. When you successfully dissolve the membranes of Light guarding the entrance to your Sacred Mind, you gain access to your personal storehouse of Divine Wisdom.

Allow us to give you a recap of a few of the many symptoms of ascension which you, the initiates on the Path, are experiencing at this time. 
            Beloveds, you must admit, it is an exhilarating time to be in the physical vessel, and yet your physical vessel is struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing frequencies that you are integrating moment-by-moment and day-by-day. Many of you who have not suffered colds, the flu or intestinal disturbances for many years are now experiencing these debilitating symptoms, and some of you ask, "What am I doing wrong?" 

 You are not doing anything wrong, my brave friends; it is what you are doing right that is causing some of these uncomfortable bouts of bodily distress. We acknowledge the fact that these occurrences are not pleasant to experience.

  However, we wish to give you another facet of truth to ponder on. Again, many of you who are deeply emerged in the transformation/ascension process are experiencing these uncomfortable symptoms as a way to quickly transmute the old negative energies within your physical vessel. You could call it a transmutation or baptism by fire, a burning/releasing of old frequency patterns to allow the higher, more refined crystalline cells of consciousness to infiltrate and take dominion within. 

Not all viruses are bad, nor are all the uncomfortable symptoms you are experiencing.  See them as a means to an end and serving a higher purpose. 
 These things, too, will pass, dear ones.
  •             You find yourself withdrawing from social activities and events that were pleasurable in the past.  Loud noises, crowds and boisterous activities disturb you, and you yearn for seclusion and perhaps, the serenity of nature.  As your vibrational frequencies lift and become more harmonious, you will disengage from interaction with people, events and places that emit lower discordant frequencies. Also, gradually, you will have less and less in common with certain friends and relatives, especially those who are negative, judgmental and unkind to others.

  •             You may have intense bursts of energy whereby you can hardly stay still, and sometimes  you may feel so light inside that you barely feel your bodily form.  At other times, you may feel so weighed down that you are almost sinking into the ground, and you may experience extreme fatigue.  Your bodily form is going through an intense metamorphosis at an etheric and cellular level, and some of the transformational symptoms are not pleasant-especially for those who are existing in an older or somewhat debilitated bodily form.    

  •             As the Kundalini (Sacred Fire) begins to rise up your spinal column (the etheric tube of Light), you may experience times of intense inner heat, while your exterior body feels cold and even clammy.  That is the reason why, initially, it is best to strive for a gradual release of the Kundalini Fire stored within the Root chakra at the base of the spine so that you may slowly integrate the higher frequencies of God LightFaster and more is not necessarily better when you are in the midst of the transformational process of ascension.

  •             For those in the early stages of the process, the integration of refined Light frequencies experience will not be overly dramatic.  However, for those Star Seed who are well on their way within the ascension process and who have agreed to be World Servers, clearing the path for others, it can be a formidable and ongoing process as they integrate higher and higher frequencies of Light to share with others.

  •             You may feel as though you are on an emotional roller coaster as you experience many emotional ups and downs. You are tapping into and releasing much impacted energy/discordant frequency patterns from a deep cellular level, and it is important to allow these feelings to come to the surface so they can be transmuted into refined Light substance. It is important that you learn to become an observer of what is occurring, and objectively view, process and rectify with loving patience and understanding that which is being revealed to you.

  •             Your eating habits may change drastically.  Whatever you choose to eat, follow your inner guidance and monitor how your body feels after you have ingested anything.  Your Body Elemental or inner body intelligence is awakening, and if you will pay attention, it will direct you to the proper food and dietAlways remember, moderation in all things is the key.

  •             You may have many strange aches and pains, for which there is no definitive diagnosis.  There are many minor chakra and meridian points within the physical body.  As the higher frequencies of Light try to flow throughout the body, they can meet resistance at these critical junctures which can cause discomfort.  One of the most common areas of distress is in the area of the spinal column of the upper back, between the shoulder blades..

  •             You may feel as though you are losing your mind or at least your memory. There are multi-dimensional levels within the brain, so as you lift your frequency patterns, the lower levels of the brain will gradually be refined. Therefore, you will no longer need or be able to access much of your negative past history as well as much of the trivia you have stored there. You will be gaining access to the higher levels of the brain where your Sacred Mind dwells. The unification between the Sacred Mind and the Sacred Heart is an integral part of the ascension process.     

                We ask you to nurture yourselves, to pay attention as never before to your physical vessels and the signals or messages your wise body Elemental projects to you.  How will you enjoy the beautiful world of love, joy and abundance you are creating if your precious physical vessel is not vibrant and healthy?

                Join us in your Pyramid of Light, beloveds, and let us assist you to move through the process with ease, grace and great joy. May the radiance of our Father/Mother God pour down upon you and fill you with the Light of Life Everlasting. Know that we are ever near to guide and protect you.

    I AM Archangel Michael

    Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claims the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Ronnas  and website address http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmz86ncab&t=hkgqcdeab.0.lrxpvocab.fmz86ncab.3455&ts=S0562&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ronnastar.com%2F is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission by email from RonnaStar@Earthlink.net  

    beauquet of flowers
  • "The real currency of life is life itself ... "

    Wonderful words from Dr Vandana Shiva, an Indian physicist, environmentalist and recipient of the 2010 Sydney Peace Prize.


    So what's this shift/2012/ascension thing about ...


    This explanation is easy to connect to and understand.
    Consider giving yourself permission to enjoy the vids.

    Love yourself ... or at least try like. :-)


    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    Dr Gail speaks ....

    Gail Lash
    Peace Brain Activity, Day 89: Finding confidence in oneself can happen when you see others succeed. They model the possible. Go forth & do.

    Consider this: Do less "doing" - more "being"

    "People ought to think less about what they should do and more about what they are .."
    -- Meister Eckhart

    Looking at a neat book right now - The Invisible Garment: 30 Spiritual Principles that Weave the Fabric of Human Life, Connie Kaplan, Jodere Group, Inc., ISBN 1-58872-089-6

    Very insightful. Very balancing, empowering and validating.
    Consider giving yourself permission to explore the information in it. Blog me back if you want more info or email me at kakersey@gmail.com.

    Napolean Hill -- wonderful advice ...


    Friday, November 12, 2010

    Some helpful advice ...

    Next time you feel victimized or resentful about what's happening in your life see if you can stop and notice your expectation, then notice how you feel when you are able to let go of that expectation and come into the present moment without any judgment, just awareness.  As you begin to take some deeper breaths notice sensations in your body and expand your awareness to how you feel and what is actually happening around you.  As you notice sensation, sound, smell, even taste, you come back to your senses so to speak. From this experience you will see that there is always a lot going on inside you and around you, there for you to notice and respond to in ways that promote your highest good.  From this inner knowing and awareness an intention can arise that helps you know what the next right thing is to do based on how you want to behave.
    Don't let unexamined expectations keep you stuck in resentments and out of the present moment. Recognize the thoughts that have been fooling you into thinking they are reality and get ready to have the life that is your birthright- joyous and free.
    Awareness Counseling is a private practice that specializes in helping adults and families struggling with anxiety and depression using traditional therapy and mind/body methods that are intentionally designed to bring your life into balance. The result is more joy, freedom and enthusiasm for life. The founder, Elle Garfield, ACSW uses an effective combination of methods including cognitive/ behavioral, experiential, mindfulness, bibliotherapy, and Life Force yoga to help clients gain freedom from fear.
    For more information go to http://www.awareness-counseling-mi.com/ or Call Elle Garfield at 248-961-4081  248-961-4081 or email egarfield10@gmail.com today.

    Cool pics than you can enjoy ala street level google maps .. but more beautiful!

    There are three separate photos 




    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    Tron 2.0

    Tron lovers - you know who you are. For one thing you're at least as old as me, which means you're old - hah!

    The upcoming release of the sequel to Tron, Tron 2.0 is to happen in December, I believe.
    I read the script on line already (many are available at http://www.simplyscripts.com/2010/09/26/spoilage-tron-and-akira-screenplays/ )

    Here are some of the salient message threads in the movie:
    mass mind control (real world people manipulated by propoganda, cyber world programs suppressed by the main frame)
    false flag terrorism supporting the secret agenda of the elite
    this reality vs a parallel reality
    physical vs metaphysical (in the movie, this world vs the cyber world)
    greed vs sharing
    black hats that are really white hats (bad guys who are really good guys, and vice versa)
    I'm sure the special effects 2.0 will be quite a bit more impressive. And it is obvious that the producers are using the film to point out some important aspects of our real world lives that you may feel deserves your attention.
    All the things in the list above have actual, real world versions of themselves in our world.

    Why I left

    I have a grand opportunity before me - an invitation to work for a cause i believe and to build a job up around me.
    I am confident the success of Mastering Alchemy will continue and I am confident I'll be a valuable contributor to their success. That should not only satisfy my soul but provide sufficient income.
    I have no health, dental insurance now -- but that does not bother me.
    My lease here is up in February - I may stay and I may not - don't know yet.
    I was trying to begin a merging process, one job to the next, but at the end of the day the concentration, talking and typing leaves me spent. All I could do was diddle on the computer and go to bed and start again the next day. My best energy was always used up at work.
    So I had to go. And I had no reason to wait another second to do so.